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Does Alcohol Affect Fertility?

A frequently debated topic, does alcohol consumption have an effect on male and female fertility? We’ve listed out what studies conducted have deduced: If a couple is trying to conceive, it is best that they avoid alcohol consumption to increases their chances. On an average, women who consumed less than 5 drinks a week had […]

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August 9, 2023 Published in Fertility

Does Adrenal Gland Cause Infertility?

  The adrenal gland is made of two functional units, the medulla which produces catecholamines and cortex which produces mineralocorticoids, (aldosterone and corticosterone), glucocorticoids (cortisol) and androgens. For fertility, the cortex is the most important as it releases androgens. Androgens include DHEA (the precursor to estrogen), testosterone, androstenedione. Testosterone being the most recognized of all the androgens. Some […]

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Published in Fertility

Causes of Pcos

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition in which a woman’s ovary has small fluid filled cysts in 2 to 9mm size range causing sex hormones androgen, estrogen and progesterone out of balance. This leads to abnormal menstrual pattern, abnormal carbohydrate metabolism, obesity, abnormal growth of hair, acne,  infertility, etc. The condition affects about […]

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Published in Fertility

Causes and Risk Factors of Poor Ovarian Reserve

Poor ovarian reserve is a clinical condition in which the ovaries contain less number of oocytes (eggs) as expected for that particular age of a woman. Women are born with 1 to 2 million oocytes in their ovaries which rapidly declines, reaching 5 lakh oocytes at puberty. Out of these, only about 400 oocytes ovulate […]

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Published in Fertility