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Pregnancy Rescheduled: Fertility Preservation by Egg Freezing

As the trend of starting families at a later age grows, more individuals and couples are turning to fertility preservation as a proactive measure. Of all the various options, egg freezing stands out as a popular choice for women due to the knowledge that the probability of a successful live birth decreases as the age […]

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April 19, 2024 Published in Fertility

Endometriosis and Its Impact on Fertility

Endometriosis is often a condition accompanied by pain and is usually located within the pelvic region. It is rare for Endometriosis condition to spread beyond the reproductive structures like the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pelvic tissue lining. The purpose of this blog is to correct any false beliefs about the Endometriosis condition and illuminate how […]

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April 13, 2024 Published in Fertility

Boosting Your Chances of Conception Through Lifestyle Modifications

Embarking on the quest for parenthood can be a deeply intimate and varied experience, filled with anticipation and, at times, hurdles to overcome. While many elements can impact fertility, lifestyle choices are often underestimated in their influence. By adopting targeted lifestyle modifications in your day-to-day activities, you can proactively boost your fertility, moving you closer […]

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April 11, 2024 Published in Fertility

Finding the best fertility doctors in Bangalore:

For couples striving to conceive, the journey can be challenging when faced with fertility issues. The quest to locate the foremost IVF clinic, equipped with top-tier doctors and state-of-the-art technology, becomes paramount upon the recommendation to consult with an IVF expert about potential treatments. The wealth of online information, newspapers, and endless advertising can be […]

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February 27, 2024 Published in Fertility

Fulfilling Dreams of Parenting with Complete Fertility Treatments

Parenthood is a dream shared by countless individuals and couples across the world. The desire to bring a new life into the world and nurture it with love and care is a universal aspiration. However, for some, the path to parenthood can be fraught with challenges, and it may only sometimes happen as quickly as […]

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December 4, 2023 Published in Fertility

Understanding the Frozen Embryo Transfer Process

The journey towards parenthood is profoundly personal and significant for many couples. While various fertility treatments are available, frozen embryo transfer (FET) has emerged as a promising option for individuals and couples striving to build their families. It sheds light on its intricacies, benefits, and common questions that often arise. What is Frozen Embryo Transfer […]

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December 1, 2023 Published in Fertility

Late Pregnancy Planning: Your Comprehensive Guide

Planning for a baby is a significant step in anyone’s life. It’s a decision that involves careful consideration, both emotionally and physically. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of couples opting for late pregnancy planning. While this choice brings its own set of unique challenges, it’s essential to understand the factors, risks, […]

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November 27, 2023 Published in Fertility

Oocyte Freezing / Egg Freezing

Age negatively affects a woman’s egg supply, with the quality and quantity rapidly diminishing after the age of 32. Because the number of viable eggs decreases dramatically as a woman ages (commonly known as atresia), women may want to increase their chances of conceiving a child later in life by storing their viable eggs as early […]

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August 10, 2023 Published in Fertility

Prolactin Hormonal Disorders and Infertility

Prolactin hormone is one of the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. The most important function of this hormone is to produce milk during lactation. It is also important for normal follicular development and maintenance of corpus luteal secretory activity function. High prolactin levels during lactation inhibit ovulation, the reason for having no periods during […]

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Published in Fertility

Male Infertility Work Up

Approximately 15% of couples are unable to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. A male factor is solely responsible in about 20% of infertile couples and contributory in another 30-40%. If a male infertility factor is present, it is almost always defined by the finding of an abnormal semen analysis, although other male factors may […]

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Published in Fertility