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Clarifying IVF treatment: Common misconception and facts


Infertility is a complex condition, and there are many misconceptions surrounding it. However, it is time to set the record straight! Medical science has made significant progress in developing interventions and technologies to assist individuals in achieving pregnancy. So, if you are struggling with infertility, do not lose hope! In this article, we will bust some common myths about infertility and IVF treatments. Get ready to learn the truth and take control of your journey towards parenthood!

  1. It leads to Multiple Pregnancies – Transferring multiple embryos during an IVF procedure can result in multiple In the past, doctors would transfer two or more embryos in hopes of achieving a pregnancy, which significantly increased the chances of twins or triplets. With the help of modern technology, we have gained a deeper understanding of which embryo holds the highest potential for success. You can discuss with your treating doctor the option of transferring one embryo at a time to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies.
  1. IVF always works – It is imperative to recognize that there is no fertility treatment, including In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), that can ensure a successful pregnancy. While IVF can be an eNective method for achieving pregnancy, it is critical to bear in mind that it is not entirely The process can be time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally taxing. The success of an IVF cycle largely depends on the age of the female partner. Besides age, other factors like the quality of eggs and sperm, the timing of the procedure, and the overall health of the couple are also essential in determining the success rate of the IVF cycle.

While some of these factors are beyond our control, selecting the right fertility center and specialist can play a vital role in the outcome. The expertise and experience of the fertility specialist, the quality of the laboratory, and the availability of state-of-the-art equipment are some of the factors that can influence the success rate. Moreover, techniques such as pre-implantation genetic testing and embryo selection can further enhance the likelihood of a successful outcome.

  1. IVF children have birth deformities – IVF is a safe procedure that gives similar results to babies born with natural Did you know that children born through IVF have the same innate abilities as those born through natural conception? This aNirms the safety and eNectiveness of the procedure, giving hope to many couples struggling with infertility.
  1. One IVF failure means no chance forever – One unsuccessful IVF treatment does not equate to permanent infertility. Understanding the root cause and tailored approaches like laser-assisted hatching, pre-implantation genetic testing, inducing platelet-rich plasma into the uterine cavity, dietary adjustments, etc. have led to success even after multiple failed cycles. Evidence shows that patients conceive with success in healthy childbirth after 4-5 IVF
  1. In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments can be costly – Recent technological advancements have significantly decreased cost. The use of state-of-the-art techniques has made fertility treatment more accessible and aNordable for a wider range of people.
  1. Can IVF be done at any age? – IVF is a viable option for couples of any age, particularly for those who are older and have slim chances of achieving natural However, to maximize the chances of success with IVF, it is recommended that women undergo treatment before the age of 35. A woman’s age can impact the quality of her eggs and uterine health, making timely intervention important.
  1. IVF requires bed rest – It is normal to have concerns about the limitations of activities during However, rest assured that there are very few activities that you cannot do during this process. Your fertility doctors may advise against vigorous activities for parents trying to conceive, as multiple eggs increase the risk of ovarian torsion.

After egg retrieval, the patient can resume normal activities and work within 1-3 days. Some studies show that too much bed rest can lower your success with IVF, as it may prevent normal fluctuation in blood flow and heart rate. Engaging in regular activities, getting suNicient sleep, and attentively listening to your body are crucial for maintaining good health.

  1. IVF Gender Statistics – The first baby to be born by IVF may have been a Recent studies conducted by many countries worldwide have shown that babies born via IVF have a skewed sex ratio, resulting in approximately 6% more males.

Artificial insemination is a widely used fertility treatment that involves the insertion of semen directly into the uterus to help achieve pregnancy. The technique was created for breeding livestock but has been adapted for human use. The most used method of artificial insemination in humans is called intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Some facts about Intrauterine insemination (IUI):

  • It could potentially benefit individuals of all genders who are experiencing
  • IUI can be performed with or without fertility
  • It is a simple and quick
  • The timing of IUI is significant.
  • IUI assist the sperm to reach the egg by shortening the distance from the
  • It may take multiple tries to achieve the

Seeking guidance from fertility experts, particularly in vitro fertilization (IVF), is crucial for making informed decisions. A clear advice from experts helps dispel misconceptions and leads to better outcomes. Relying on the expertise of fertility experts is imperative to maximize success in fertility treatment.